
Showing posts from June, 2021

Communicative Approach

The first hour was taken by Meekha Ma'am. And we had learned about Communicative Approach, Community Language Learning and The Silent Way Method. After that ma'am has discussed on our video documentary and she asked about our team effort and then she has given comments regarding each of our works. And then the class ended.  The second hour was taken by Joju Sir. And he has started the class with a silent prayer. Then he has gone to previous day's topic and came to the class and taught us :- Different types of validity,Test Reliability, and the  Methods to determine reliability coefficient. Thus the class ended. The third hour was taken by Ancy Ma'am. Before the class we had open our video and had a conversation with ma'am and she felt happy by seeing all of us. Then she came back to the class and taught about National Policy, National Trust Act, Rehabilitation Council of India, Persons with Disability and Right to Educational Act. And after d...

Inclusive Education

First hour was taken by Ancy Ma'am. Class was started with a prayer song and it was sung by me. After that ma'am has done revision.Then she has taken class on Inclusive Education, Principles of Inclusive Education, Need and importance, Aims and objectives of Inclusive Education, Problems faced by student, Role of teacher, Teaching strategies for inclusive education, Barriers in inclusive education and Strategies to improve inclusive education. Thus the class ended. The second hour was taken by Giby ma'am. The class started with a prayer song. And Then she has taught about the Human Senses, Sensory Adaptation, Blind Spot, Understanding Perception,Aunt Regards, Difference between Sensation and Perception, Disorders of Perception and Selection of Perception. The third hour was taken by George Sir. He has taught about Track:- Standard Track and Non-standard Track. He dealed with Standard Track and it's characterists and also taught us how to draw a s...

Another Week

The first hour was taken by Joju sir. He has given a brief idea of what is tool and technique in education. After that he has gone in detail about the Qualities of a good rest or a tool of evalut. Thus the class ended. The second hour was taken by Maya Ma'am. She has taken class on Dravidian Education. And discussed about the Triguna and presonality and on Language Evolution. Thus the class ended. The third hour was taken by Meekha Ma'am. And we had a short conversation before the class about the last week's programmes and all. Then we had learned about the Direct Method of Teaching, Stuctural_ Oral_ Situational Approach and Humanistic Approach.Thus the class ended. Thus the day ended.Stay Home and Stay Safe.


23/6/2021 Wednesday    The first hour was taken by Meekha ma'am and we had shared our experience  of writing our first discussion lesson plan and then the class ended.  The second hour was taken by Joju Sir. Class started with a silent prayer. Then sir has taught the rest of the points of the purpose of educational evaluation, then he dealed with Types of Evaluation ,it's characteristics and Internal and External Evaluation.  Thus the class ended.  The third hour was taken by Ancy ma'am. Class started with asking questions of previous days topic and then she has taught  Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder  Autism Deafness Deaf-blindness Diability Types of Disability Multiple Disabilities  Learning Disability  Environmental Factors  Thus the class ended.  At 12 PM,  Mathematics Optional has introduced books in accordance with the Reading Week Celebration. They all did it in a creative manner.  At 7PM ,English Opti...

Acknowledge Everything

  22/6/2021 Tuesday The first hour was taken by Ancy ma'am. Class started with a prayer song. Ancy ma'am revised the previous days portions and asked everyone to complete  notes. After that  she has taken the class about  Slow learner's or backward children, it's causes, how can we identify, problems or reasons,  approaches.  Underachiever, it's types, causes, remedial measures. Mentally Challenged, how can we identify, it's causes, how to prevent, how to educate.  Thus the class ended.  The second hour was taken by Giby ma'am. Class started with a prayer song. After that ma'am asked about last days work and had a discussion on it. Then ma'am told us to Acknowledge Everything in life. Topics covered were Perception and Upperception. "Nothing  is good or bad, our perception make it so". Thus the day ended.  The third hour was taken by George Sir. And he has started the class with a silent prayer. Then he had discussed the second semester ...

A day filled with Programmes 😍😍

  21/6/2021 Monday  International Yoga Day International Music Day The first programme of this day was started at 8.30 AM. In accordance with the Yoga day, Psychology club has conducted a video streaming on the platform of YouTube and the message of Yoga is conveyed by Sri. Anand Narayan( who is a certified Yoga Trainer).  The second programme has been started at 9.AM and the Webinar was arranged by the College Union NISARGA on the topic Yoga for Mental Well Being . It was a really wonderful session. The class was taken by Dr. S. Hari Krishnan,  who is the National Yoga Trainer.  The third hour was taken by Meekha ma'am. And she has given us a work to write  lesson templates. And to submit today itself before 10.30 PM.  The third program was done at 1 PM by the Malayalam Optional named Saparya. They did a great job. They had introduced five books and the programme has been shown ,  at the  college YouTube Channel MTTC Nalanchira. The fourth p...

Train Our Senses

  18/6/2021 Friday First hour was taken by Giby ma'am. Today was her first class in the second semester. As usual class started with a prayer song. Then she has given a brief introduction of the syllabus. And has begin the topic  Cognitive Process from the Unit Two and dealed with Sensation and Perception.  And dealed with Sensation :- And it is the process by which our sense organs or senses receives informations from the environments. Then she said about our  Sense organs and said that we should train our senses. And  make maximum utilization of Eyes and Ears.  And thus the class ended.  The second hour was Optionals and Meekha ma'am has taught us how to make a discussion lesson plan. And she has taught it well.  The third hour was taken by Maya ma'am. And the class started with a prayer song. Then she taught the rest of the portions of Dravidian Education. She dealed with  Dravidian Language family at about 4,000 - 4,500 years old,  F...

Gifted Children

  17/6/2021 Thursday The day started with the class of Maya ma'am. Before going in to the class a healing prayer song was sung by Sukanya. And then ma'am has given us some general instructions regarding the classes. Then she has teached us about Dravidian Education.  The second hour was taken by Ancy ma'am. And she has taught Individual Difference from the Unit :4 . She has explained it in detail.  The variations or deviations among individuals with regard to a single characteristic or a number of characteristics is called Individual Difference by Cater V Good in 1959. And later she has discussed about the varieties of individual differences, types and  factors of individual differences. Educational Implications, Exceptional Children, characteristics of exceptional child, Gifted children, areas of giftedness, how can we identify the gifted and education for gifted students.  Thus the class ended.  The third hour was taken by Joju sir. The class started with...

Beginning of Second Semester

  16/6/2021 Wednesday Beginning of our second semester class.  The first hour was of Optionals. And Meekha ma'am has given us general instructions regarding our second semester works and after that we had taken a screenshot inorder to place in the blog. Thus the class ended.  The second hour was followed by Joju sir and he has started the class with a silent prayer. Then sir has introduced the syllabus and the works. After that he has taken the class on The Introduction to Assessment. There are three key words for assessment and they are Test or Examination,  Measurement and Evaluation. By giving a brief introduction ,sir has ended the class.  Third hour was taken by Ancy ma'am and she has given instructions regarding the Syllabus.   Thus the classes ended for today.  After the class we had entered to the Delnet and I had  read a journal of ELT. 

Fifth Day

  11/6/2021 Friday Fifth day of our MCQ Examination and the Optional paper Pedagogic Content Knowledge Analysis : English has been conducted. Exam was nice.  And the second hour was followed by Joju Sir. Class started with a silent prayer. After that he taught us about ICT ( Information Communication Technology). It's importance and scope. Thus the class ended. Have a nice weekend. Stay safe and healthy. 

Fourth Day

  10/6/2021 Thursday Fourth Day of our MCQ Examination. Today was our optional subject EDU 04 : Theoretical Base of English Language Education. It was a nice exam.  Next hour followed by Optional class. Meekha ma'am has given revision for tomorrow 's exam. And thus the class ended.  Thus the day ended. Stay safe and healthy. 

Third Day

  9/6/2021 Wednesday  Third day of MCQ Examination and Technology was the subject. And it started at 10am and ended at 10.20am. Exam was good.  Second hour is followed by George Sir and he has taken Yoga class. Class started with silent prayer and then warm up section has taken place.  After that he introduced the new section names and they are,  Danurasana, Naukasana and Shalabasana.  By doing Shavasana classes ended.  Saty safe and healthy. 

Second day MCQ

  8/6/2021 Tuesday Second day of MCQ Exam. Psychology was the subject and it was easy.  After the exam,  Optional class has taken place. We had learned about Problem-solving Solving and it's steps to Creative Problem-solving.  After that, Meekha ma'am taught us, Constructivism, Behaviourism and the important topics for the MCQ Exam.  Thus the class ended. 

First Exam

  7/6/2021 Monday Our first exam starts from today onwards. MCQ, Examination. The exam has conducted between 10am to 10:20 am. Philosophy EDU01 was today's subject and the exam was good.  After the exam, Joju Sir has taken class. On the topics, Role of Digital Era teachers and  Teleconference. And through a live and interactive section, it  came to an end.   Thus today's class ended. Stay safe and healthy. 

3/6/2021 & 4/6/2021

  3/6/2021 Thursday The first hour was taken by George Sir. And the class started with a silent prayer. Today he taught Yoga . Before going into the yoga class we had a warm up . Then he revised previous class poses. And the class began with  Vajrasana  Yoga Mudra Padmasa Bujagasana After that with Shavasana the class ended.  The next section was the inauguration of Reading and Oratory Club. That was a really nice programme initiated by them by the advise of Joju sir. The Chief guest of the programme was Dr. Asha ma'am. Through an interactive section the class ended. It was really helpful. That's to the club for arranging such a nice class.  Thus the section ended.  4/6/2021 Friday The first hour was Optionals. Meekha ma'am taught us about Krashen's Hypothesis. There are five hypothesis and they are,  The Acquisition Learning Hypothesis The Monitor Hypothesis Natural Order Hypothesis  The Input Hypothesis  The Affective Filter Hypothesis...

Teacher in the Digital Era

  2/6/2021 Wednesday  The first hour was taken by Joju Sir. He has given some general instructions about the MCQ test  and regarding the second semester. Later on, he has taught us about "Teacher in the digital era ". A. Challenging Times and B. New Competencies. And the sub topics covered were Who is a digital era teacher?  The Paradigm shift in learning.  20th century Teacher Centered Learning.  Comparison between Traditional learner and 21st century learner. Are teachers insignificant today.  And through some interactive section the class came to an end.  The second hour followed was Optionals. And had a discussion about the MCQ test and portions. Later on continued  the  presentations of Revised taxonomy. The topics covered today are  Specifications in the objectives of teaching English  Process skills  Thinking skills.  All of them has presented well. Thus the class ended.  Stay Safe and Happy.