
Showing posts from December, 2021


22/12/2021 Wednesday The day started with the assembly. Mathematics Optionals has conducted the assembly and they done it well.   Some of our friends went to collect portions and timetable from their alloted school. We had practiced for the Christmas day celebration. Thus the day ended. 23/12/2021 Thursday Colleges closes for Christmas vacation. The day spended well.


21/12/2021 Tuesday The day started with a prayer.  First hour was taken by Maya Ma'am. Ma'am has given instructions regarding our teaching practice and how to behave in the school as a teacher. Then Neena ma'am came and read out the lists of the schools and students. And then finded out a leader and assistant leader from each school. I had got St. Goretti School Nalanchira. I was happy to be in this school. We reached the school and met the concern teacher and my teachers name is Thresiamma  and teacher has given the portions and timetable. I was alloted to teach in the 9th STD. Thus the day ended.


20/12/2021 Monday The day started with a silent prayer. Joju sir has taken the first hour and sir has taught about Educational Management. Sir has taken class by connecting with valuable stories. In the second hour we went to library and to our optional classes. In the afternoon session, we had optional hour and we had taken christmas friend . The last hour was taken by Joju sir and sir has given us instructions regarding our teaching practice and also about Christmas day celebration. Thus the day ended.


14/12/2021 Tuesday We all are ready for the NAAC team visit and they arrived at the college and checked everything. Students and teachers weared uniform saree and then the team visited all the classes and had interaction with the students . Then we had the cultural programme. Thus the day ended. 15/12/2021 Wednesday Second day of NAAC team visit.  We had college assembly and then we had taken photos group photos of class. Then we had prepared for there exit meeting and practiced some songs. The day was superb and really enjoyed and we had left the college by around 7.45 PM. Thus the day ended.


10/12/2021 Friday We had practice session for NAAC visit from morning till evening. Thus the day ended. Saturday and Sunday were working day for the cleaning process. 13/12/2021 Monday We had practice session from morning till evening. In the afternoon we all had assembled in the seminar hall for the last minute preparation. Then we had mock assembly. Then mock cultural programme and then we had practice till 6.15 PM. Thus the day ended.


9/12/2021 Thursday The day begins with prayer in the Chappel. Gibi ma'am has taken the first hour. Ma'am has selected students for conducting assembly when NAAC team visits and I was there for singing college anthem . Then Maya Ma'am came in the next hour. Then we had practice session for NAAC visit cultural programme. In the afternoon talent hunt of juniors were taken place. Thus the class ended.


8/12/2021 Wednesday Our third semester begins on this day.The day started with the assembly by our juniors of English optional. They organized it well. The first hour was taken by Maya Ma'am. Ma'am has brought feedback form and we had filled it up. Then the next hour was optional and we had done Classroom works. After the lunch break we had practice session and at the last hour we had Micro level preparation for NAAC visit. Thus the class ended.


16/11/2021 Tuesday From 16th onwards out MCQ exam begins and it was conducted online.  The exam ended on 20th Nov. And after that 23rd onwards our semester exam begins and it ended on December 7th. And on December 7th after the university exam we had afternoon session on areobics, even though we were tired we enjoyed the session and had practiced for Thiruvathira for the NAAC visit cultural programme. Thus the day ended.


12/11/2021 Friday On this day we had Theatre Mini Camp and group activities in the forenoon. The session was fantastic and we enjoyed a lot.  The afternoon session was not there due to local holiday. 15/11/2021 Monday Our Juniors came on this day. We had done prayer song on this day.  In the afternoon we had, theatre work assessment and grading. The day was superb and we had performed with our maximum effort within the short period of time. Thus the day ended.


9/11/2021 Tuesday We had regular class and in the afternoon session, class were about NAAC visit. Then we had practiced for flashmob. 10/11/2021 Wednesday We had regular class and then class has taken about NAAC visit. We had practice sessions for flashmob. 11/11/2021 Thursday We had regular class and in the afternoon session, the music, art and aesthetic camp and assessment has been held . On this day Lakshmi teacher has conducted a nice class from 1.30 to 2.45. The class was energetic and powerful. Then class about NAAC visit has done.  Thus the day ended.


1/11/2021 Monday Second semester model exam begins today and it ended on 8/11/21. One exam has conducted online due to KSRTC Bus strike ,rest all the exam were conducted offline. On 8th after the model exam, we had class about NAAC visit.  Thus the class ended.