Acknowledge Everything


The first hour was taken by Ancy ma'am. Class started with a prayer song. Ancy ma'am revised the previous days portions and asked everyone to complete  notes. After that  she has taken the class about 
Slow learner's or backward children, it's causes, how can we identify, problems or reasons,  approaches. 
Underachiever, it's types, causes, remedial measures.
Mentally Challenged, how can we identify, it's causes, how to prevent, how to educate. 
Thus the class ended. 

The second hour was taken by Giby ma'am. Class started with a prayer song. After that ma'am asked about last days work and had a discussion on it. Then ma'am told us to Acknowledge Everything in life. Topics covered were Perception and Upperception.
"Nothing  is good or bad, our perception make it so".
Thus the day ended. 

The third hour was taken by George Sir. And he has started the class with a silent prayer. Then he had discussed the second semester syllabus. And he has explained it well in a clear manner. 
Thus the class ended. 

Thus the day ended. 

In the afternoon section, five books were introduced by Social Science Optionals in accordance with Reading Week Celebration  and they did it well. 

At 8PM, Malayalam Optional has conducted a game on to  translation the Proverbs given in  English to Malayalam named " Patharillapazhamozhi".


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