Inclusive Education
First hour was taken by Ancy Ma'am. Class was started with a prayer song and it was sung by me. After that ma'am has done revision.Then she has taken class on Inclusive Education, Principles of Inclusive Education, Need and importance, Aims and objectives of Inclusive Education, Problems faced by student, Role of teacher, Teaching strategies for inclusive education, Barriers in inclusive education and Strategies to improve inclusive education. Thus the class ended.
The second hour was taken by Giby ma'am. The class started with a prayer song. And Then she has taught about the Human Senses, Sensory Adaptation, Blind Spot, Understanding Perception,Aunt Regards, Difference between Sensation and Perception, Disorders of Perception and Selection of Perception.
The third hour was taken by George Sir. He has taught about Track:- Standard Track and Non-standard Track. He dealed with Standard Track and it's characterists and also taught us how to draw a standard track.Then he has given us a work to draw a standard track and thus the class ended.
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