Gifted Children

 17/6/2021 Thursday

The day started with the class of Maya ma'am. Before going in to the class a healing prayer song was sung by Sukanya. And then ma'am has given us some general instructions regarding the classes. Then she has teached us about Dravidian Education. 

The second hour was taken by Ancy ma'am. And she has taught Individual Difference from the Unit :4 . She has explained it in detail. 

The variations or deviations among individuals with regard to a single characteristic or a number of characteristics is called Individual Difference by Cater V Good in 1959.

And later she has discussed about the varieties of individual differences, types and  factors of individual differences. Educational Implications, Exceptional Children, characteristics of exceptional child, Gifted children, areas of giftedness, how can we identify the gifted and education for gifted students. 

Thus the class ended. 

The third hour was taken by Joju sir. The class started with silent prayer. Later on he has entered to the class and dealed with the rest of the portions of Assessment. Today he taught us about Evaluation,  Test,  Difference between Measurement and Evaluation, The concept of Educational Evaluation and Purpose of Educational Evaluation or Functions of Evaluation. 

Thus the classes ended for today. 

From 12.30 to 1.30 we had done our optional assignments. 


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