Kill Bad Habits

 18/5/2021 Tuesday

The day started with Joju Sir's Shubha Chindha and the theme he mentioned is Kill bad habits before it kills ourself's. 

Social Science Optional has continued with their Seminar presentations. And the topics covered today are 
1.Web Based Learning 
2.Features of Web Based Learning. 
3.Cloud Computing 
4.Advantages and Disadvantages of Cloud Computing 
All of them did their presentations well. 

Thus the class ended. 

The Second hour was taken by Ancy ma'am. And she taught of the thinker John Dewey and he is considered as the Father of Educational Philosophy. 
There is a famous quote for Education according to John Dewey
" Education is not preparation for life, education is life itself. Education, therefore is a process of living and not a preparation for future living".

Then she covered about his
Notable Books.
Experimental  Education .
Role of school's.
Role of curriculum 
Role of Teacher.
She explained it well. 

Then she taught another topic called Eclectic Tendencies 
Eclectic is a word which came from the root elect. 
An Eclectic Approach in Education is one that seeks to combine the best elements of different Schools of Philosophy. 

Thus the day ended. 


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