21/5/2021 Friday
The first hour was taken by George Sir. And he started the class with a silent prayer. And then he has taken theory class today and the topic is Physical Fitness.
A Physical Fitness simply means is a state of health and well being. And it is achieved through proper nutrition, moderate vigorous physical exercise and sufficient rest.
After the introduction, he taught the Components of Physical Test and it includes
Reaction Time
And the Activities for Physical Fitness includes
Aerobic Activities
Anaerobic Activities
Sports and Games
Recreational Activities
Then finally he concluded the class by saying the Health Benefits of Physical Fitness and it includes
Healthier Cardio-Vascular System
Improved weight control
Toned Muscles
Live longer
sleep more soundly
Higher metabolism
Better mood
Lower blood pressure and cholesterol.
Thus the class ended.
The next hour is followed by Giby ma'am. And the explanation of the seminar presentations of the Physical Science Optionals were taken place. After explaining the portions, question answer section were taken place. All of the did it well.
The topics covered were
The Concept of Creativity
Characteris of Creative Person
Nature of Creativity
After these part, Ma'am has explained what is Displacement. And it is changing from one place to another. With examples she made it crisp and clear.
Thus the class ended.
Stay Home, Stay Safely.
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